

Experience the real world effects of cognitive bias and learn how to use the Third System to make better decisions under conditions of disruption, ambiguity and dilemma. Take the T3 Profile and discover a systems thinking model for coaching leaders to make WISE decisions. Practice the techniques in scenarios and personal reflection. Contact Peter Webb for more information.


Understand the science of mindfulness and why it is so effective for concentration and performance. Apply the 5 mental strategies for setting the right intention for right action. Practice the techniques of focused attention and heightened awareness for clarity and decisiveness, and learn how to apply mindful techniques to improve communication at all levels. Contact Peter Webb for more information.


From discovering the patterns of how you manage change in your personal life to the typical reactions to change at work, learn about the mindset of change and how to work with it rather than against it. Explore transition and immunity to change models, and apply them in case studies and effective ways of communicating change. Contact Peter Webb for more information.


Find out about recent research in group and team effectiveness, from Google's Project Aristotle to the Hawkins model of leadership team coaching. Assess your team, and agree goals to overcome defensiveness and enhance the authenticity of your internal and external communication. Receive regular group or team coaching to facilitate the behaviours necessary for working well together. Contact Peter Webb for more information.


Uncover the real reasons people won't change and learn the three principles for having difficult conversations. Understand the Dialogue model and how to apply it. Practice a conversational technique for digging for the truth in performance-related conversations. Use the Difficult Conversations model to design your own approach to the difficult conversation you know you need to have. Contact Peter Webb for more information.


Leaders need to communicate clearly and powerfully. Understand the four types of conversations, and what it takes to make a sustained behavioural change in yourself and others. Learn the structure of an influential conversation and practice the techniques for how to hook people on your message. Contact Peter Webb for more information.


Discover a proven structure for setting up the mentor-mentee relationship and a 5-step framework for managing the mentoring journey. Acknowledge the 5 principles for effective mentorship and practice the key skills of mentoring. Contact Peter Webb for more information.


Review the latest research in coaching in organisations, including outcome measures, and re-discover the building blocks of good executive coaching. Discover frameworks for understanding change, why clients are often blocked, and how to move them in the direction of their goals even (and especially) when they are resistant. Appreciate resistance to change as the opportunity to change rather than the obstacle, and practice techniques for overcoming immunity to change. Contact Peter Webb for more information.


Practice getting the best out of your team through creating Psychological Safety and promoting healthy and productive mental strategies. Learn how to identify depression, anxiety and stress in the workplace and some simple guidelines for supporting team members. Contact Peter Webb for more information.


Motivating people to prioritize their activities and get things done is a lot like herding cats: They’re easily distracted and they just want to be patted and fed! So, what are the principle motivators for individual and team performance, and how should you communicate your expectations? This workshop reveals the secrets of human psychology and the levers you can apply to get things done with people and make decisions. And maybe, just maybe, as a result of this fun, engaging and highly practical workshop you will become an artful cat herder! Contact Peter Webb for more information.


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